Sunday, April 24, 2011

The SAT...

I've always had a suspicion that the SAT was run by aliens.
Turns out I am right.

I wake up late, really afraid I am going to be late for the test, and am about to wake up mum, but decide instead that I should try out the teleportation device I've been working on...
And wind up on a cloaked spaceship hovering on the edge of the outer atmosphere.
Which Whoopie Goldberg is on, for some reason.
They are in league with the dolphins, these aliens, trying to devise a job system which will keep us all ignorant of the true meaning of life, keep us serving a greater unknown empire's desires-- which competitive standardized tests accomplish pretty well. They are measuring the results, and taking the best and brightest moments after they leave the testing facilities, cloning them, using the real kids for experimentation, to see if they can prevent the rest of the population from reaching their level of intelligence. Thankfully for me, I did quite poorly on the maths section of my test the first time--partly due to my forgetting my calculator- so they never even took notice of me.

Dozens of other humans are on the ship as drone slaves, their minds controlled  by small "headlamps," their clothes marked with yellow clearance stripes, so I sneak in and (sorry! I had to!) knock one out and dress to match, following two others with refreshments into the main conference room.

"I just can't understand it!" one alien with a prestigious badge on his chest hollers, banging the table for emphasis. "They are still getting smarter, despite all our efforts. I was assured that humanity was a stupid race, easily capable of domination, when I bought the planet. These scientists are worthless, Pague!"
"Now, don't get all ruffled, General," a smaller form soothes, motioning us servants forward, taking a drink off my tray. "I'm sure that when the Steward gives his demonstration, it'll all be straightened out."

Just then, a holovid on the desk jumps to life, and a tall, spiky alien in a white labcoat greets the room, beginning a presentation. I sneak away with my empty tray and continue to explore.
The ship is huge, but luckily for me I wander straight into the engine room.
Because I really do have school tomorrow, and my subconscious is worried I won't get up in time, and to show-up all my previous doubts, I shut the whole system down with a flick of the wrist and free all the humans on board, then jettison the ship back out into space.
That's right.
We speak for ourselves, thank you very much.
Humans rock.

But I still haven't done any homework...

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